S & S Equipment Hire specialises in offering Equipment Hire to a variety of marketplaces. These marketplaces extend throughout both the Latrobe Valley and within the Melbourne Regions.
- Home Handyman
- Builders & Renovators
- Larger Builders involved in both Commercial & Industrial Developments
- Industry Sectors which include Latrobe Valley Power Stations
- Paper & Pulp Sectors within the Latrobe Valley.
Clients most often find that hiring of equipment is a much more cost effective solution than owning and having to continually aquire expensive equipment and machinery.
Storage and Maintenance of equipment inevitably becomes an issue, so why not leave it to the experts and get on with what you do best? Hiring makes it much, much easier!
Performance Guarantee
S & S Equipment Hire guarantees the performance, safety & reliability of all its hire equipment. Our internal systems ensure that after every hire, equipment is cleaned, inspected, tested and run up before being tagged and “ready for hire again”.
- Air Tools & Compressors
- Pumping Equipment
- Compaction Equipment
- Concreting Equipment
- Gardening Equipment
- Laser Levels
- Fans Blowers & Heaters
- Trailers
- Industrial Vaccums
- Kanga Loaders
- Cleaning Equipment
- Scaffolding & Trestles
- Demolition Saws & Breakers
- Towable Cherry Pickers
- Tarpaulins
- Ladders
- Power Tools
- Boomlifts
- Excavators
- Site Containers
- Elevated Work Platforms
- Site Toilets
- Generators & Welders
- Site Accommodation